Pauline Ashenden - Marketing Manager

Mapping the customer journey pain points

Published on: August 12, 2014
Author: Pauline Ashenden - Marketing Manager

All organisations understand that customers go on a journey when they interact with them. However, this is rarely a straightforward trip, but more of an expedition with twists and turns, ups and downs, spanning many channels.Along this journey, Jeff Toister, the author of Service Failure: The Real Reasons Employees Struggle with Customer Service and What You Can Do About It – identifies thre...

What are the 4 key attributes of successful customer engagement?

Published on: April 08, 2014
Author: Pauline Ashenden - Marketing Manager

In an era of increased competition and more demanding consumers, engaging with customers is critical to driving a long term, loyal relationship. Engagement moves beyond transactional, potentially cost-based, interactions to build deeper ties between a brand and its customers. This makes companies more successful in two ways. Firstly, happy, engaged customers are likely to remain loyal and potentia...
