Eptica | Agents vs Consumers: Can the Gap be closed?

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Eptica | Agents vs Consumers: Can the Gap be closed?


Issue 2, 2015



Welcome to the latest issue of the Eptica newsletter. We are excited to present the latest Eptica white paper ‘Consumers vs Agents: Can the Gap be closed?’, in which we surveyed both consumers and contact centre agents. The findings highlight a growing understanding gap between the two sides when it came to customer experience and we invite you to read the full study to find out more.


This edition also features our most popular articles from the Customer Engagement blog as well as Eptica news and links to our top white papers and studies.


  Customer Engagement Features & Articles

linguistics study

Eptica Study: Consumers vs Agents: Can the Gap be closed?

The new Eptica study “The Power of Linguistics in Customer Service” surveyed a 1000 consumers and 100 contact centre agents in order to identify the frustrations that are undermining the UK customer experience on digital channels, risking customer churn. It found that consumers are becoming increasingly frustrated at not being understood and are voting with their feet by switching supplier...

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What’s the state of UK email customer service in 2015?

Despite the rise of social media, email is still the primary digital channel used by consumers to communicate with brands. And expectations are rising – customers want a fast response that delivers a consistent, personalised answer to their question.Research from Forrester found that 41% of consumers expect a response to their email within 6 hours, showing that there is still a gap to be bridged between expectations and reality...

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customer service

Can companies meet rising customer expectations?

Think like a customer and value their time if you want to win and retain their business. These are the headline findings of recent research which looked at the disruptions and changes in customer expectations and channel preferences. It found that over half (55%) of US adults will now abandon an online purchase if they can't find an answer to their question quickly...

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travel customer service

Making the travel customer service journey seamless

Passengers and guests are becoming more demanding while more and more journeys, whether by air or rail, are booked online and social media and review sites provide consumers with the opportunity to give their views on the service they receive. So how can travel companies ensure they are delivering the right customer experience for their passengers? Essentially it comes down to focusing on 5 key areas – starting with communication...

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agent vs consumer study
multichannel government

UK Government embraces multichannel

The UK public sector is embracing channels such as chat and social media, alongside email and the web to deliver a better experience. Given that an estimated 11.5% of customer contact is expected to be through social media this year, the priority for councils and other public bodies is to deliver service on the customer’s channel of choice. So how do they achieve this?

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customer service for everyone

3 ways of making customer service everyone’s job

Successful businesses understand that customer service is everyone’s job - anyone can contribute to how consumers view an organization and its brand reputation. However, everyone can’t be expected to provide enterprise-wide customer service unaided. Customer service agents rely on developed processes, training and access to knowledge and tools to do their jobs. So how can these be spread to the whole company?

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facebook for business

Facebook for Business and customer service

The last few weeks have seen the launch of multiple new ways of communicating from Periscope, Meerka and Facebook's Messenger for Business – all of which have the potential to impact customer service. Whatever the eventual success of these new channels, businesses need to continually check the market and ensure that they are providing their customers with the ability to contact them on their channel of choice. 

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multichannel customer study

Eptica achieves record annual $12m revenues in 2014

Eptica continued 2013’s double digit growth which was driven by increasing global expansion, strong partnerships and a wider use of its software by existing customers across their operations. Between 2005 and 2014 Eptica has achieved a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 24.6%. Eptica also plans US and Asian expansion in 2015...

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