
Infographic: The State of Voice of the Customer in the UK

To measure the current state of the VoC market, Eptica surveyed a range of UK businesses of all sizes in Q4 2018, with 154 respondents.

Study: Transform your company & drive ROI through customer intelligence

Eptica research finds lack of insight is holding back CX and business improvement; new guide highlights how customer intelligence improves CX and to introduce our tool vecko.

Study: Empowering your business with Customer Intelligence

To better understand the current usage of Voice of the Customer solutions, Engage Business Media surveyed a range of UK businesses via online research in Q4 2018.

Infographic Digital CX Study

A handy snapshot of the key findings from the our Digital Trust Study which evaluated 50 UK brands in 5 sectors and surveyed consumers on their attitudes to CX and trust

2019 Digital Customer Experience Study

We evaluated 50 UK brands on their ability to respond to routine questions on the web, email, Facebook, Twitter, and chat and surveyed 1,000 consumers on their attitudes to customer experience and trust. Full report with infographics, and more, available

Infographic Trust & CX

79% of UK consumers will switch brand if trust breaks down. This is the headline finding of the 2019 Eptica Digital Trust Study, which surveyed 1,000 consumers on their attitudes to trust, as part of wider research into customer experience in the UK

VoC Best Practice Guide

Includes an overview of the business benefits that VoC brings, best practice recommendations, case studies and a checklist for choosing the right tool.

Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance

With over 9 million customers globally, Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance developed a Customer Intelligence Program to identify faults and disruption points along the customer journey in order to improve CX and retention and to grow revenues…

Insurance Digital CX Infographic

Insurers appear to be neglecting customer service on digital channels and are unable to answer over half of routine questions successfully, according to the latest Eptica Insurance Digital CX Study.

Insurance Digital Customer Experience Study

We evaluated 10 UK insurers on their ability to respond via digital channels and surveyed 1,000 consumers on their customer service preferences, trust and loyalty. Full report with infographics is available to download.