Coping with disruption through AI and human customer experience

Published on: May 11, 2017
Author: Olivier Njamfa - CEO & Co-Founder

This week’s Gartner Customer Experience & Technologies Summit (10-11th May 2017) provides everyone in the sector with the perfect opportunity to take stock of the current state of customer experience – and to help CX teams to plan for the future.

Customer Experience in action through Artificial Intelligence

Published on: April 26, 2017
Author: Olivier Njamfa - CEO & Co-Founder

Winning and retaining customer loyalty is vital for every business. In the face of increasing competition and more demanding consumers, organizations therefore need to go beyond simply delivering excellent service and put customers at the heart of what they do. They must provide a consistent, high quality and personalized experience across every channel and touchpoint.

4 more artificial intelligence concepts you need to know to deliver improved CX

Published on: March 24, 2017
Author: Pascal Gauvrit - CTO

So far in this three part series covering artificial intelligence (AI) in customer experience I’ve explained the difference between bots and chatbots and some of the key concepts that you need to know about. In this third part I’ll finish my list of terms and describe how they can deliver an improved customer experience

4 artificial intelligence concepts you need to know if you work in customer experience

Published on: March 22, 2017
Author: Pascal Gauvrit - CTO

Following last week’s blog introducing artificial intelligence (AI) and explaining the difference between bots and chatbots, in my next two posts I want to explore the types of AI and how they can be applied in customer experience. Firstly, here are four key terms that you need to know

Chatbots and bots - what they mean for customer experience

Published on: March 15, 2017
Author: Pascal Gauvrit - CTO

Talk of artificial intelligence and chatbots is currently everywhere in the customer experience market, with analysts, commentators and vendors all discussing the benefits that this type of technology can provide to brands and their customers. But what do the terms bot, chatbot and artificial intelligence actually mean – and how can they improve your customer experience?

37 billion reasons to improve customer experience

Published on: March 01, 2017
Author: Angus Prentice - Senior Sales Manager

Ahead of next week's Institute of Customer Service (ICS) annual conference, new research spells out the enormous cost of poor service to brands. Figures from the UK’s Ombudsman Service found that it registered 55 million complaints over the last 12 months - costing UK businesses £37 billion as customers vote with their feet and move to alternative suppliers.
