
How satisfied are consumers with the APAC hospitality sector?

Published on: December 21, 2015
Author: Vincent Giraud - Business Development Manager

Customer satisfaction is key to success in every industry across Asia Pacific, but in few places is it as visible as the hospitality sector. The service a consumer receives contributes a large part of the experience in a restaurant, hotel or attraction – meaning it can make the difference between a satisfied customer and one that will never return. Additionally, in the age of social media an...

Looking across the Atlantic to improve customer experience

Published on: April 24, 2015
Author: Dharmesh Ghedia

Benchmarking against competitors and leaders in other sectors is all part of improving customer experience. However we live in an increasingly global marketplace, meaning that organizations need to learn from leaders across the world if they are to thrive. Obviously ideas have to match local cultures and expectations, but by scouring the globe for new ways of interacting with customers, compa...