Web Analytics

5 ways to collect customer feedback

Published on: July 23, 2013
Author: Epticablog

Companies now have access to huge amounts of data on their customers. Particularly online, they can see the entire customer journey, purchase history and the channels used across every transaction. The vast majority of companies  also collect customer feedback, which should provide the perfect opportunity to fine tune products and service in order to help the customer experience.But at the mo...

Understand your customer through their questions

Published on: August 03, 2011
Author: Epticablog

In current economic conditions, finding new sources of revenue is a key area of focus for organisations. Most companies realise that, now more than ever, customer service is central to protecting sales and delivering increased turnover, so have focused on this area.Delivering good service obviously prevents customer churn and attracts new sales through word of mouth and social media recommendation...

What Google Analytics teaches us about customer service

Published on: April 21, 2011
Author: Epticablog

Pretty much every business today operates in a multi-channel environment. Even purchases that are completed in the High Street have often been extensively researched on the websites of retailers, product manufacturers, competitors and review sites.To meet this need Google is piloting a new Analytics feature called Multi-Channel Funnels which maps all the marketing channels that impact the final sa...