Contact Center

Is UK customer service finally improving?

Published on: July 23, 2015
Author: Derek Lewis

Every six months the Institute of Customer Service publishes its UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI). Run since 2008, the UKCSI both provides a snapshot of current performance by organizations across the country, and allows longer term trends to be measured. The latest index has just been released and is based on over 39,000 responses from more than 10,000 people, cover...

The financial benefits of better customer experience

Published on: July 22, 2015
Author: Pauline Ashenden - Demand Generation Manager

In an ever more competitive business world, the customer experience that companies offer can be a key differentiator in winning and retaining consumer loyalty. But how can you quantify this in financial terms?

What are the challenges for customer experience across APAC?

Published on: July 22, 2015
Author: Vincent Giraud - Business Development Manager

Consumers in Asia Pacific are becoming more and more demanding. They want to receive a superior customer experience, personalized to their needs, on their channel of choice, with their questions answered quickly and consistently. If they don’t get what they are looking for, they are not afraid to change supplier, while sharing their opinions on social media. How can companies operating in...

Meeting the needs of the autonomous customer

Published on: July 17, 2015
Author: Robin Tandon - Senior Product Marketing Director

The growth in online channels has dramatically changed how customers interact with brands in every sector. They now demand a better experience, across more and more channels, and are far less loyal to companies that fail to deliver what they want. As digital natives, they are empowered by the information they find online and use the internet and social media as their primary means...

Reducing the cost of telephone customer service

Published on: July 15, 2015
Author: Pauline Ashenden - Demand Generation Manager

Despite the rise of digital channels and the growth of multichannel customer service, the telephone remains vital for businesses and consumers. In fact, while customers are certainly increasing their use of online self-service resources, web chat and social, research from Forrester indicates that 73% still use the phone for customer service. However, one of the biggest issues...

Why customer service is vital to telecoms success

Published on: July 10, 2015
Author: Steve Nattress

Communications technology is now central to everyone’s lives. Whereas twenty years ago most people just had a fixed telephone line, today consumers rely on a combination of mobile phones, broadband, and wireless data, to communicate with the world, work remotely and stay in touch with loved ones. As the importance of telecoms has grown, so has the significance of the customer service...

The 3 capabilities needed to empower customer service employees

Published on: July 08, 2015
Author: Anne-Merete Jensen - Senior Business Consultant

Employees are at the frontline of delivering the right experience to customers. No matter how strong your processes are, customer service comes down to the people who provide it. Staff who fail to show empathy or, even worse, are rude or sound bored risk damaging your brand and hitting customer loyalty. In comparison, agents who go the extra mile, being helpful...

The need for innovation in APAC customer experience

Published on: July 08, 2015
Author: Vincent Giraud - Business Development Manager

Customer experience is becoming the vital differentiator for organizations around the world. The combination of more demanding consumers, greater competition and the need to provide service across many more channels has made delivering a superior customer experience central to business success.Companies operating in the Asia Pacific region also face a number of local challenges. The large variety ...

International customer experience: comparing the UK and France

Published on: July 03, 2015
Author: Olivier Njamfa - CEO & Co-Founder

Earlier this year Eptica released the 2015 UK Multichannel Customer Experience Study. Covering 10 sectors, it researched the strength of the customer experience delivered by 100 leading brands across the web, email, Twitter and chat channels. Some of the key findings were that:On average UK companies could answer less than half (48%) of all questions as...

Customer service and the public sector – how can it be improved?

Published on: July 01, 2015
Author: Derek Lewis

Last week UK government body HMRC said that it would spend an additional £45m to improve customer service for taxpayers. The money will be used to employ 3,000 more customer-facing staff, with a further 2,000 existing employees moved temporarily to help with the forthcoming tax credits deadline. The investment follows figures which showed that over a quarter (27.5%) ...
